After loading a JSON file into an HTML document, an object (or an array) appears.
So "working with JSON" means "working with object".
For example to clone obj object we can do the following:
cloneObj = JSON.parse (JSON.stringify (obj));
And when we see that youtube JSON contains too much information, that makes the size of the content to be saved too large then we can reduce the file size using the "delete" operator. Example
Deleting information about data and time of publishing the video:
delete response.items [i] .snippet.publishedAt;
Please follow these steps to try my "search-save-json.html" file
1. Download the program XAMPP and istall it to your PC.
In the folder C:\xampp\htdocs create the subfolder v3 (C:\xampp\htdocs\v3)
All the files (html, javascript-video-list files, images) you will create need to be placed in the folder v3 (or in any other subfolder of the folder htdocs)
2. Let obtain your own youtube API v.3 key.
3. Create the file "search-save-json.html" (in the folder v3).
Drag mouse to select "<!DOC", Scroll to the end of the file, Press and hold the key "Shift", Click at the end of the file, Right-click the blue highlighting text, Select "Copy",
Open new file in "Notepad", Paste, Save as type: "All files", Encoding: "UTF-8", filename: "search-save-json.html".
4. Create the file "obj_paul-mauriat_200.js" (in the folder v3)
Drag mouse to select "infoLoadNum", Scroll to the end of the file, Press and hold the key "Shift", Click at the end of the file, Right-click the blue highlighting text, Select "Copy",
Open new file in "Notepad", Paste, Save as type: "All files", Encoding: "UTF-8", filename: "obj_paul-mauriat_200.js".
5. Go to the folder C:\xampp\htdocs\v3
Click the file "search-save-json.html"
Replace the address "file:///C:/xampp/htdocs/v3/search-save-json.html"
with "localhost/v3/search-save-json.html".
Press the keyboard button "End" then press "Enter".
6. Load
- Click the radio button "the same folder"
- Click LOAD obj_paul-mauriat_200.js
- Click the button Load
- Click the button PAGE (found in the header).
This button sinks down, waiting for it to rise and then press again.
Just do it many times until the caption "PAGE" of the button changes to "STOP".
7. Play
- Click any video title to start watching video clips continuously.
When you meet a video playlist (marked with a red PL), all the clips in that playlist will be played in turn.
- If you want to watch to only one clip (the last) of playlist, please click the PLlist Last button.
8. Search
For example, if you want to find "Romantic guitar" with 100 clips, do the following
- Click the link Romantic Guitar
- Click the S100 button
- Wait until the number in "Found" increases and equal to the number in "Total".
The clips found are added to the control panel.
9. Save
- Click the button JSON array min all to convert the content of control panel into a javascript array of the form:
info = [..., ..., ...]
Because this array is created by using the funtion JSON.stringify() if the variable info = is cleared the rest will become the content of a JSON file.
- Click the green button SAVE
- Goto the folder "... Download", find the saved file "arr-min_romantic-guitar_299.js",
Cut it and paste it to the folder where the file "search-save-json.html" is placed (C:\xampp\htdocs\v3)
- Finally open the html source code, find the div id="pcjs" and add following lines:
<a href="#" onclick="selectText('arr-min_romantic-guitar_299.js');return false">
LOAD:</a> arr-min_romantic-guitar_299.js<br>
This html can generate 4 types of files with filenames like this:
Only files like this can be loaded into the "searh-save-json.html" web page to view.
For example to clone obj object we can do the following:
cloneObj = JSON.parse (JSON.stringify (obj));
And when we see that youtube JSON contains too much information, that makes the size of the content to be saved too large then we can reduce the file size using the "delete" operator. Example
Deleting information about data and time of publishing the video:
delete response.items [i] .snippet.publishedAt;
Please follow these steps to try my "search-save-json.html" file
1. Download the program XAMPP and istall it to your PC.
In the folder C:\xampp\htdocs create the subfolder v3 (C:\xampp\htdocs\v3)
All the files (html, javascript-video-list files, images) you will create need to be placed in the folder v3 (or in any other subfolder of the folder htdocs)
2. Let obtain your own youtube API v.3 key.
3. Create the file "search-save-json.html" (in the folder v3).
Drag mouse to select "<!DOC", Scroll to the end of the file, Press and hold the key "Shift", Click at the end of the file, Right-click the blue highlighting text, Select "Copy",
Open new file in "Notepad", Paste, Save as type: "All files", Encoding: "UTF-8", filename: "search-save-json.html".
4. Create the file "obj_paul-mauriat_200.js" (in the folder v3)
Drag mouse to select "infoLoadNum", Scroll to the end of the file, Press and hold the key "Shift", Click at the end of the file, Right-click the blue highlighting text, Select "Copy",
Open new file in "Notepad", Paste, Save as type: "All files", Encoding: "UTF-8", filename: "obj_paul-mauriat_200.js".
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7. Play
- Click any video title to start watching video clips continuously.
When you meet a video playlist (marked with a red PL), all the clips in that playlist will be played in turn.
- If you want to watch to only one clip (the last) of playlist, please click the PLlist Last button.
8. Search
For example, if you want to find "Romantic guitar" with 100 clips, do the following
- Click the link Romantic Guitar
- Click the S100 button
- Wait until the number in "Found" increases and equal to the number in "Total".
The clips found are added to the control panel.
9. Save
- Click the button JSON array min all to convert the content of control panel into a javascript array of the form:
info = [..., ..., ...]
Because this array is created by using the funtion JSON.stringify() if the variable info = is cleared the rest will become the content of a JSON file.
- Click the green button SAVE
- Goto the folder "... Download", find the saved file "arr-min_romantic-guitar_299.js",
Cut it and paste it to the folder where the file "search-save-json.html" is placed (C:\xampp\htdocs\v3)
- Finally open the html source code, find the div id="pcjs" and add following lines:
<a href="#" onclick="selectText('arr-min_romantic-guitar_299.js');return false">
LOAD:</a> arr-min_romantic-guitar_299.js<br>
This html can generate 4 types of files with filenames like this:
Only files like this can be loaded into the "searh-save-json.html" web page to view.