Unlike file
the file
is more complicated because it is the combination of the php-jquery-proxy.html with 
my previous web page for seaching videos using youtube API v.3

You can try the page "search-php-api-2.html" at the following address:

In the old file "search-php-api.html" there are 3 functions, which now stop working normally.
The reason is that recently YouTube has changed some class names. In order to revive those
functions, I've reviewed the source code to find and correct those wrong names. Finally
I rename this html file as "search-php-api-2.html".
With search-php-api-2.html file you can: - Execute scraping for youtube pages (just like when you use the page "php-jquery-proxy.html"). - If you have Your Own API v.3, cou can search videos by key-word. - Choose Your favorite videos (click on the check-box in div (id = "list1")). Then click the button "Rows Selected to Top". - From the table inside "list1", you can build "javascript list file" by cliking "Buil from All" or clicking "Build from selection". Note: if you do not click on check-boxes to select some videos then clicking on the button "Build from selection" will give you empty file. - After that you can input "filename.js", click the button "SAVE" to save the list to your PC. - You can upload this javascript list file to your hosting server, then load it back to the page C:\xampp\htdocs\proxy\search-php-api.html. Of course you need to replace the value="" of the radio button with you real hosting place: <input type="radio" id="rad1" name="radioPath" onchange="choosePath()" value="">the path to your hosting server. - You can also try to load some my javascript lists from my hosting place (, for example: Click the links: + Z_Romantic100-W_Silva100-W_Silva100-S_Yokouchi100 + L7-N193_Guitarras-Mexicanas + travel1 NOTE: For the reasons of security, in this web page I've to use "white-list". That makes it as the site for "slow scraping". If we want to make it as a page for "instant scraping", while we still have not mastered network security issues, it's best to let this page works on our PC (using localhost). And for this purpose we will remove "div" element and replaced it with "text box". Remove the "readonly" attribute from a text box if it's needed. Skip the "white-list" and replaced it with Php validating URL and Javascript validating URL.

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WEB PROGRAMMING ON IPAD. Search yt videos by keyword and load js file to play