About JSON and JSONP you can read in the internet
Here I would like to present this issue as I understand.
JSONP (JSON with Padding) is an unofficial method, a intelligent trick to overcome barriers when we want to transmit information between different domains.
(author: Bob Ippolito
To use JSONP, first we need convert the information into a javascript object.
Then this object is taken as an argument for a function with a certain name, eg "jsonCallback(...)"
Because the user has written jsonpCallback function when the information comes to the client PC this function is trigged and the JSON (long string, a photo of the object) revives, becomes real object and start working under the user's program.
There are two methods
1- Typical method:
The user can give a name for function and then sent this name to remote server. To use typical method apart from Javascript, we have to know a server-side programming language (eg PHP). Typical method is difficult to understand for people who knows only Javascript.
2- Simplified free method:
Take it to avoid knowing of server-side scripts.
In this post there 3 files
A- File jsonp-demo1.html
When reading source code it is easy to understand the nature of jsonp
B- Now I cut one part of javascript and use it to create one external javscript file that I call api3-demo.js.
The file "api3-demo.js" was uploaded into my hosting server ""
From the rest of html file I create jsonp-demo2.html and it was saved to my PC.
I tried "jsonp-demo2.html". It works.
If you download (or create) the file jsonp-demo2.html to your PC then I thinks that it also works normally.
Here I would like to present this issue as I understand.
JSONP (JSON with Padding) is an unofficial method, a intelligent trick to overcome barriers when we want to transmit information between different domains.
(author: Bob Ippolito
To use JSONP, first we need convert the information into a javascript object.
Then this object is taken as an argument for a function with a certain name, eg "jsonCallback(...)"
Because the user has written jsonpCallback function when the information comes to the client PC this function is trigged and the JSON (long string, a photo of the object) revives, becomes real object and start working under the user's program.
There are two methods
1- Typical method:
The user can give a name for function and then sent this name to remote server. To use typical method apart from Javascript, we have to know a server-side programming language (eg PHP). Typical method is difficult to understand for people who knows only Javascript.
2- Simplified free method:
Take it to avoid knowing of server-side scripts.
In this post there 3 files
A- File jsonp-demo1.html
When reading source code it is easy to understand the nature of jsonp
<!DOCTYPE html"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <style> body{ font-family:Arial;font-size:10pt; background-color:#DDDDDD; margin:0px;padding:0px; } </style> </head> <body onload="init()"> <div align="center"> <div style="width:600px"> <br> <button onclick = "jsonCallback(obj)">Click to load JSON</button> <br><br> response.items[1].title =<br> <span id = "span1"></span> <br><br>THIS IS JSON WRAPPED BY A FUNCTION<br><br> <textarea id = "area1" style = "width:560px;height:310px;padding:5px"></textarea> <br><br> </div> <script> function jsonCallback(response){ var titVal = response.items[1].title; document.getElementById('span1').innerHTML = titVal; stJSON = JSON.stringify(response,'',2); document.getElementById('area1').value = "jsonCallback("+stJSON+')'; } </script> <script> obj = { items:[ {vidpid:"4DO8GsIYfhQ", title:"Enrique Iglesias, Juan Luis Guerra - Cuando Me Enamoro"}, {vidpid:"9_tgBimq7Io", title:"Claudia Jung & Richard Clayderman - Je t'aime mon amour!"}, {vidpid:"g6Ge_uR27jc", title:"Mayelin Naranjo \"Palmas y Cañas\"-Mi Veneracion (Miguel Matamoros)"}, {vidpid:"67XdPLZzsHk", title:"HOTEL CALIFORNIA - MARC ANHTONY (Version salsa)"} ] } function init(){ document.getElementById('span1').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('area1').value = ''; } </script> </div> </div> </body></html> <!-- 58 lines -->
B- Now I cut one part of javascript and use it to create one external javscript file that I call api3-demo.js.
obj = { items:[ {vidpid:"G8RQZ_RmR_U", title:"Italy/Napoli (Walking tour:Santa Lucia) Part 3"}, {vidpid:"DA_gTGVOLXU", title:"Chet Atkins ~ Santa Lucia"}, {vidpid:"eeEKnIn_uuk", title:"beegie adair - autumn leaves HQ"}, {vidpid:"4193_Bw8y2A", title:"Amurski Valovi - Амурские волны"}, {vidpid:"cgk9vJREiDg", title:"Frédéric Chopin Tristesse (Orchestral)"}, {vidpid:"wrFieclZpOg", title:"AVE MARIA (FRANZ SCHUBERT) EN GUITARRA CLÁSICA POR MICHAEL LUCARELLI"}, {vidpid:"9_tgBimq7Io", title:"Claudia Jung & Richard Clayderman - Je t'aime mon amour!"}, {vidpid:"4Jmhdskn4NY", title:"Paul Mauriat - Endless love"}, {vidpid:"uiMyaF0tyG0", title:"La Paloma -The Dove (with Lyrics).wmv"}, {vidpid:"x_qeZ0pqU9c", title:"MANHÃ DE CARNAVAL (letra e vídeo), vídeo MOACIR SILVEIRA"}, {vidpid:"2vipzUaQiCw", title:"BESAME MUCHA Maurizio"}, {vidpid:"NowlThzdpaU", title:"ROCCO GRANATA - ITALIAN SONG"}, {vidpid:"vBCrZsxUvCE", title:"Rataro - Mave Tapu"}, {vidpid:"4DO8GsIYfhQ", title:"Enrique Iglesias, Juan Luis Guerra - Cuando Me Enamoro"}, {vidpid:"g6Ge_uR27jc", title:"Mayelin Naranjo \"Palmas y Cañas\"-Mi Veneracion (Miguel Matamoros)"}, {vidpid:"67XdPLZzsHk", title:"HOTEL CALIFORNIA - MARC ANHTONY (Version salsa)"} ] } jsonCallback(obj);
The file "api3-demo.js" was uploaded into my hosting server ""
From the rest of html file I create jsonp-demo2.html and it was saved to my PC.
I tried "jsonp-demo2.html". It works.
If you download (or create) the file jsonp-demo2.html to your PC then I thinks that it also works normally.
<!DOCTYPE html"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"> <style> body{ font-family:Arial; font-size:10pt; background-color:#CCCCCC; margin:0px; padding:0px; } a{ color:blue; text-decoration:none; } a:hover { background-color: #CCFF99; } #div1{ padding:10px;background-color:white;width:580px;height:120px; overflow:auto;text-align:left;line-height:160% } </style> <script src=""> </script> </head> <body> <div align="center" style="margin-left:0px"> <div id="player"></div> <br><br> <div id="div1" ></div> <br><br> <script> vid = []; tit = []; function jsonCallback(response){ len = response.items.length; for(i=0;i<len;i++){ stVid = response.items[i].vidpid; vid.push(stVid); stTit = response.items[i].title; tit.push(stTit); var xx = '<b>'+(i+1)+'</b>/<b>'+len+'</b>:'+ '<a href="#" onclick="playVid('+i+'); return false">'+ stTit +'<br>'; document.getElementById('div1').innerHTML += xx; } } normalW = '600'; // '812' normalH = '381'; // '516' var player; startvid = 'otPNwTrva0I'; var jj = 0; var tag = document.createElement('script'); tag.src = ""; var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag); function onYouTubePlayerAPIReady() { player = new YT.Player('player', { width: normalW, height:normalH, videoId: startvid, playerVars: { 'autoplay': 0, 'rel': 0, 'showinfo': 0, 'showsearch': 0, }, events: { 'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange, 'onError': onPlayerError } }); } function onPlayerError(error){ if ( error ){ nextVid(); } } function onPlayerStateChange(event) { if ( == 0) { nextVid(); return false; } } function playVid(num){ jj=num; ide = vid[num]; player.loadVideoById(ide, "default"); } function nextVid(){ last = vid.length - 1; if(jj <= last){jj=jj+1}; if (jj > last){jj=0}; playVid(jj); } </script> <script src=""></script> <!-- NOTE: Another way: put "api3-demo.js" on your PC and use src="api3-demo.js" --> </div> </body></html> <!-- 110 lines -->