In the website youtube, you can watch this video, speaking in chinese with open subtitles. Suppose we want to translate subtiles from Chinese to English, how to do it? To translate by machine, we must 1- Crop video frames to get a series of subtitle images. 2- Merge images to get one image 3- Use the Scan OCR app on your phone to turn images into text 4- Use the Google Translate or GPT Translate app to translate the above text Let watch how I use my html file for "Getting cropped images from video frames" SCAN OCR #0.346# 01 唐僧师徒四人继续前往西天取经。有一天,他们到了一个地方,觉得 越走越热,唐僧便勒住马说:“现在已经是秋天了,怎么还这么热?”悟 空、八戒和沙僧三个人也觉得很奇怪。 #26.737# 02.正在这个时候,他们看见前面有一座庄院。唐僧下马说:“悟空, 你去打听打听,这个地方为什么这么热?” #44.154# 03 悟空来到庄院门口,敲了几下门,里面走出来一位老人,老人看见 悟空,吓了一跳,悟空赶忙说:“老人家,别害怕。我是东土大唐来的 和尚,去西天取经路过这里,觉得天气太热了,特意来问问原。 #71.832# 04.老人听了,连忙把唐僧师徒四人请进院儿里。唐僧一边走一边 问:“已经秋天了,为什么还这么热啊?”老人回答说:“这里叫 火焰山,不分四季,全年都这么热。 TRANSLATION Tang Seng and his four disciples continued their journey to the West to obtain the ...