Title Goes Here HS TC Text to mp3: https://ttsmp3.com (voice: Joey) https://readloud.net/tmp/This_is_a_howtodo__251.mp3 start: end: Correct the time Result Get time Make array Js parser This is a how-to-do webpage so you see bold, red subtitles and 2 buttons HS and TC. The page you will use does not have such items. 1- SEARCH FOR MUSIC Here I have listed over 80 video clips to choose from Now suppose you want to make a slideshow about Indonesia I suggest you a song called Hati memuji Of course you can easily find and copy that link For example that is https://youtu.be/rmfzeJpUNTo Scroll down to find the text box just below the “Add video” button Paste the link to this box then tap "Add video" button Scroll up a bit you see in the "Temporary list" area there is Title 1 Tap Title 1 to play the video After a few seconds Title 1 changed to the actual name of the video In the textbox below "Add video" but...