TEST a1-capture-flaming.html (DOWNLOAD FILE)
Your browser does not support HTML5 video. Copy parameters From (sec) Begin Wait a few seconds while this page is loading. - Tap the button "Begin" Please watch the video carefully. - Whenever you see a new subtitle line appear in the aqua color frame, immediately tap the "Capture" button Note: do not move the aqua color frame to another place Pause Play Press each image to save it to Photos A- HOW TO PLAY VIDEO WITH SUBTITLES ON IPAD First of all you should read my post PROGRAM JAVASCRIPT ON IPAD at the following address https://phanhung20.blogspot.com/2022/11/program-javascript-on-ipad.html Then you need to install on your ipad the following apps: Apps for html and javascript editing Koder code editor Web play grounds Text scanner app Photo Translator (by Tiemei Yan) Translator app Google translate (133 languages) DeepL...